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About Us

Our Story

PaperLanternStore started in 2002 as a small import business that is American-owned and operated.  Through hard work and dedication, we are now fulfilling orders from our warehouse in Union City, California.  Not only do we have the world's largest collection of Paper Lanterns, but we also specialize in Party & Event Lighting, Wedding décor, Party Supplies, Table Top décor, Star Lanterns, and much more.

Our Products

We offer traditional, modern and contemporary decoration and accessories for weddings, holidays, parties and celebrations. Our unique selection of paper lanterns, party lights, party decoration, wedding and table décor come in many styles to help make your next event unforgettable. 


Collage of PaperLanternStore's Popular Products such as Lighting and Paper Stars

Our paper lanterns, parasols, hand fans are hand-crafted and inspected to ensure premium quality.  Most of our party lights, LED lights, holiday string lights are UL-Listed.  They have been tested and certified to meet the highest quality and safety standards.

Our Team Mission is dedicated to giving our customers the best possible service when you order your products online or over the phone.

This includes:

1.      Guaranteed low prices
2.      Fast, next-day processing of your order
3.      Secure processing of your payment information
4.      Courteous customer service ready to help
5.      Carefully inspected products and packages to ensure quality

Our knowledgeable staff can also help you with your next party, wedding or celebration.  We follow the latest decorating trends, value customer feedback, and are constantly adding new products to meet your needs.   Contact our friendly customer service via phone, email or instant chat today - we are happy to help!

Our Philosophy

We believe that life is about great experiences, memories and meaningful connections.  Whether you are celebrating a wedding, birthday, graduation, or any special occasion with friends and family, appreciate the times together, and make your next event one to remember.

Fun Dinner Party Gathering of Friends and Families surrounded by Paper Lanterns
List of Publications which have showcased PaperLanternStore products

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