St. Patrick's Day Sale - Extra 15% OFF with Code: LUCKY15



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100' Fishing Line For Hanging Paper Lanterns


Every good angler knows the best way to catch fish is with ingenuity and the best equipment. These are the deep-sea fishers, who employ countless dollars and technology to reel in their catch. We're more the type to grab a stick and a line and head down to the ole' fishin' hole. And though our 100 feet of clear fishing line is not for catching dinner with, it does embody the concept of sturdy simplicity. You can use our line to hang just about any of our hanging products from just about anywhere. Simple and strong, this line is practically invisible, allowing you to create a "floating" aspect to your hanging lanterns, indoors or outside. Hang our smaller lanterns with just a single thread of line, or for our larger and heavier items, you can loop together lengths of line for added strength, while still maintaining a stealthy appearance. With 100 feet of simple and strong hanging line per spool, and a price for the fiscally conservative, this is the ideal solution for the do-it-yourself types. Length: 100 Feet